Some Things to think about...and we have something HOT and INNOVATIVE.
Yes I know that something you think that it takes forever to get going with
any program on the Net, and it does, it just takes patience and focus-ness
(Okay so I made up a work) but you know what I mean.
Now you are seeing some small matrix programs coming up that sound
enticing, most notably 2x5 or 3x5 programs. The big sound wave is that it only
takes 62 for a 2x5 or 93 members to put you in the big money.
Now, 62 or 93 sounds like reasonable numbers, and the pay out sounds good
Then you look into it and find out that the big pay out is in the 5th level.
Why you ask? Because the program owners know that few if any members
will get to the fifth level. The program owners will pay out one or two bucks
on the first levels and keep the rest of the money to themselves!
Figure it out. Most people can recruit two members, they get paid two
bucks a member, equals 4 dollars. The program owner keeps 21 dollars
per member off a 25 a month fee.
Of the few that do fill the fifth level, they grandly pay off those who do,
making them look as if they do care for the masses.
Take a look at how it works: Lets say you join off some link on your
own, knowing that you will be working alone building your business.
Or lets say you joined a team, hoping that the team will help you
make some money. The team promising that since it only takes
62 or 93 members to fill the matrix you will be in the money at no time.
Let's say the program cost 25 dollars a month. And it pays 2 bucks
a level until you get to the fifth level. The fifth level is where the money is.
The work it alone for instance, which is you working to build your team
will take forever. Most people want money now. Some may join and
many will quit the first month. Unless you are some super guru or mass
advertising expert your matrix will stall somewhere, way before you get
to the fifth level. The program owner is happy as he/she only had to pay
out 2-4-6 or eight bucks a month to the members, keeping most of the
Now the team angle. Everyone gets excited when a new team comes in
and promises top dollars for everyone. Watch out!
The team founder is number one. He will be the first level. Now most
times the team leader has a wife/husband, a girlfriend/boyfriend or someone that will take
the next spot. Then he may have a friend or an associate that will take
the second spot. Okay now 2 levels are already taken.
Now here comes the team. Ready to make those bucks! The first four
that join are in a good spot. (The third level.) They may see a fifth level,
but to see that fifth level the team has to grow to 248 members.
Now the team founder and his wife and friends are going to do okay.
They get their 62 members and they do fill their matrix and they do
get to the big bucks.
But after those 62 members, every level doubles. To get those last
62 bottom members a fifth level you will need to recruit 3968 new members!
The numbers get so bad the team unravels and you and I go back to
call for another way to make some money.
So this is the way matrices work. The lower the level the more members
you will need to give those at the bottom level a downline of one.
Now the motivational speech I promised you!
What do you have on your hands? You have a system that should
have been invented years ago! All this crap about doing it all for
your team has been nonsense on the part of most teams.
Some programs do offer a good top level payoff, which should keep you
fee free once you get two on your top level. If you join any team, make
sure the program offers that feature.
Ours does. Two and you are fee free as your commissions will pay for the fee.
Now let's go back to what we have.
Our system makes sure that you have a downline member.
If the system sees that your sponsor has sponsored you and that
you have no sponsored member of your own, the next member that
your sponsor sponsors is your. Bonuses and all.
Now if you did have a sponsor member under you (because the team has given you one)
(Our team concept explained below)
The next member that your sponsor sponsors is his, bonuses and all.
The same goes for you. You joined under me Jess, and then I sponsor someone
else and the system sees that you do not have a sponsored member, bingo
the system will give you my recruit, bonuses and all.
Now if you sponsor someone, that member will go to your first sponsored member,
the member I gave you. So now you and him are on your way to building your business.
Your fee and your downline's fee is already cut in half, as the five dollar bonus is a monthly
That continues on down the matrix. Sponsor one, give one to a sponsored member, that
belongs to you, that does not have a downline.
And now the cake. With icing if you like, or bland, it is still sweet.
We work in groups! At the most you will have 30 members in your group that will advertising
the same join link. Thirty of us working in conjunction with each other. You advertise your link
and the link of the other 29 members and they in turn are advertising your join link.
Let's say I, Jess advertised on the traffic hustler and someone decides to join. He clicks on
the join bottom and your NPN site pops up! He joins off your site. Bingo you have a paying
member. If you do not have any sponsored members, that member will stay with you, you being
the sponsor which equals bonuses
If you do have a sponsored member in your downline, and he/ she does not have a sponsored
yet, that new member will be his/hers.
But remember you will make 100% of what your sponsored members makes, minus the bonuses.
So what you have is 30 members working together, all advertising the same link No one is ever
lower than the second level. No huge lower level.
You help your sponsored member, they help their sponsored member and they in turn help
their sponsored member, on down the matrix.
When your group gets to 31 members, 11 of them will break off an start to build their own group.
Which leaves you with 20 in your group. Twenty of you will continue to give each other sponsored
members. You get one, you give one away. All twenty of you advertising the same link. No limit
as to how many sponsored members the group gives you.
So you are chugging alone, giving each other sponsored members, while the group that broke off
is building their group. They too are giving each other sponsored members and you in turn will
have a growing downline of paying members. All 50 cents of course, but its like someone throwing
50 cents at you, for you to collect.
You see? No huge lower level! We do not have to recruit thousands of members to cover the lower
levels. In fact we only have two levels. A sponsored level, and one which is given to him. Then you
get another sponsored member, with help from your group, and he is yours, then you give him a
sponsored member. Two levels!
So what do we have? A system that allows us to give our sponsored member some help.
A group of members working together to give each other sponsored members.
What is wrong with this picture? Nothing! This is the way a matrix should be built.
So start placing those splash pages out there. Let's get known! We got the system.
We have the know how and we have the desire to succeed.
And another thing. The team founder, me,Jess is not in a favorable position. I have the same
position as you do. I work with a group. I advertise for them, they advertise for me,
and you are part of my group.
My ads are going out all over the place. Are yours?
No one else is using the RDS-NPN system exclusively like we are, so let's take advantage.
You know that once our system is known it will be copied, but we still have the advantage
Let's get cracking, (smile) educating people out there that this is the best way to build
a business.
Again, no huge lower level.
Always Wishing You Happiness, Long-Life and Success!
Frederick, A member on Jess's Team.