I have long held the opinion that there is a conspiracy against babyboomers. A conspiracy to the affect that those behind it just would like to see us killed off in a politically correct manner.
First of all babyboomers are blamed that we are so very many and that we are putting a strain on the social security system by our enormous numbers. So much so, that the the age some of us can collect social security has been moved sometimes several years beyond the customary age of 65 years old. This depends on where you age lies...if you were an early, middle, or later babybooner.
Then consider how Corporate America eliminates your jobs when you are approximately 50 years old, so they don't have to pay you a retirement pension or benefits....and that is also approximately the age when most babyboomers start to need more serious medical attention. So get them off the Company insurance before they put to big of a drain on their system and insurance.
Now it has become customary for companies to charge you for part of your medical coverage...but at what a tremendous price. My share of my retirement medical coverage is $700 for the worst retirement insurance anybody could ever have. It is just a notch of being better than nothing.
We are the age that no insurance company wants us....whether through your work insurance, or insurance if you can find it on your own.
So what are us babyboomers supposed to do? We are being forced to work extra jobs if we can find them to pay for exhorbitant insurance premiums and to pay for the medical bills that the insurance we are given won't cover.
My theory of the conspiracy comes that we are having to work longer with more stress, and unable to have and afford proper health care....and without that we babybooners will start dying off sooner, or become homeless...which will also kill us and thereby get the social security system to eventually return back to being able to collect social security at age 65. However, this isn't going to happen. My next post will explain why.
Always Wishing You Happiness, Long-Life, and wealth,
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The American Way
Just as an addendum, and I have nothing against legal immigration. It is a little known fact that there are many immigrants allowed into this country who are elderly, and within the social security age to collect social security and who have NEVER paid a single penny into the social security fund, who our government turns around and just issues them social security. So don't try and tell the babyboomers that we are the people sucking the fund dry.