Monday, March 24, 2008
I Was Amazed At This Great Price Difference
For my computer printer I use a Canon. When the ink cartidges went dry I usually always replenished my supply at Office Max. That usually cost me $24 for a color package, and I also bought another package of just black cartridges for $12 for a total of $36.
Walgreen's has an offer to refill your catridges....$10 for the black cartridges and $12 for the colored cartridges.
I Also am a member of DHS, or Discount Home Shopping club and I found that by shopping there I found a store called 1-2-3- Ink Jets that sold the same ink cartridge refills I was purchasing at Office Max for ONLY $7 for the colored, and $3 black packages respectively. That cost was only $10. And when compared to the price at Office Max that meant I was saving $26! Can You believe such a difference in price? Of course I purchased a couple of these packages and had to pay shipping which was only $4. I'm sure the $4 postage fee varies to the size and amount of what you order. With that kind of Savings the $4 postage was certainly worth it.
Some of those figures and of exact savings may be off just a bit as my wife did the shopping at 1-2-3 Ink Jets and is telling me this from memory and niether of us has the receipt anymore. But she is certain that she SAVED at least half of what she was spending for the same items at Office Max.
The 1-2-3- Ink Jets store had many varieties of printer cartridges to pick from.
If you are interested in doing likewise and saving money just click on the link below .
Alway Wishing You Happiness, Long-Life and Success,
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Some Of My Favorite Non-Business Links
- Folk Singer Francesca Brown
- Francesca is a folk singer with a fabulous sometimes blues type voice with many songs from the heart. Go to her site and listen to a few. You'll love her.
- Folk Singer Larry Penn
- Larry Penn is a legend. He has written songs that have been sung by many famous artist. He sings about the working man, trucks, trains, railroads, love and hobos. He is the truest folk singer in his truest form.
- The Poetry of A. E. Housman
- Some poetry is timeless in its beauty , symbolism and message. In our troubled times of war and terrorism and the hard blows that life deals to us all, A. E. Housman has many things to say to us. What he writes about is as real and beautifully expressed and pertinent now as it was back in his day. A. E. Housman, 1859 - 1936. He wrote of the passing of spring and youth, the brevity and tragedy of life,brave youth and war.
A short excerpt from Housman's "More Poems."
"They say my verse is sad: no wonder;
It's narrow measure spans
Tears of eternity , and sorrow,
Not mine, but man's."
Hope you Enjoy them as much as I do.
Always Wishing you Happiness, Long-life and Wealth
Save time, money, and Gas by shopping Online. Avoid crowds, theft or damage of your car on a parking lot, theft of your purse or wallet in a mall, fighting traffic rush and inclement weather. Have Convenience and safety. Avoid clashes with clerks who are no longer taught politeness and "How May I help You" and that the customer is always right. Also avoid fights with other nasty customers that have no courtesy and seem as if they were raised in a barn. I know these things are true because I am a Public Safety Security Guard 40 hours a week at a major mall. Stop by and give yourself a break and get some discounts and rewards for shopping here.
One of The Greatest Knew Advertising Tools Ever
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of this, you'll also be invited to use my
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creating a huge opt-in list of targeted
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This system makes it easy for you to build a
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So go ahead and download your gift and then
watch your inbox for my introduction to your
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With thanks again and good luck with all
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Always Wishing You Happiness, Long-life and Wealth,
How to Help Yourself in This Recession
Help Yourself
The American Way
Always Wishing You Happiness, Long-life and Wealth Frederick
If Your A U.S. Citizen Be Concerned
What is going on with our Government ???
It does not matter if you personally like or dislike Bush. You need to sign
this petition and flood his e-mail box with e-mails that tell him that, even
if the House passes this bill, he needs to veto it. It
is already impossible to live on Social Security alone. If the government
gives benefits to "illegal" aliens who have never contributed, where does
that leave those of us who have paid into Social Security all our working
lives? As stated below, the Senate voted this week to allow "illegal"
aliens access to Social Security benefits. Attached is an opportunity to
sign a petition that
requires citizenship for eligibility to that social service. You can Agree
or Delete. Instructions are below. PETITION for President Bush:
Dear Mr. President: We, the undersigned, protest the bill that the Senate
voted upon recently which would allow illegal aliens to access our Social
Security. We demand that you and all Congressional Representatives require
citizenship as a prerequisite for social services in the United States .. We
further demand that there not be any amnesty given to illegal's, NO Free
services, no funding, no payments to and for illegal immigrants. We are fed
up with the lack of action about this matter and are tired of "paying" for
services to illegal's!
And with this I will conclude my thoughts on social security, and legal and illegal immigration.
Always wishing you Happiness, Long-life and Success,
See How You Can Help Yourself Save Extra Money Or Earn Extra Money And Get Ahead
The American Way
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Conspiracy Against Babyboomers
First of all babyboomers are blamed that we are so very many and that we are putting a strain on the social security system by our enormous numbers. So much so, that the the age some of us can collect social security has been moved sometimes several years beyond the customary age of 65 years old. This depends on where you age lies...if you were an early, middle, or later babybooner.
Then consider how Corporate America eliminates your jobs when you are approximately 50 years old, so they don't have to pay you a retirement pension or benefits....and that is also approximately the age when most babyboomers start to need more serious medical attention. So get them off the Company insurance before they put to big of a drain on their system and insurance.
Now it has become customary for companies to charge you for part of your medical coverage...but at what a tremendous price. My share of my retirement medical coverage is $700 for the worst retirement insurance anybody could ever have. It is just a notch of being better than nothing.
We are the age that no insurance company wants us....whether through your work insurance, or insurance if you can find it on your own.
So what are us babyboomers supposed to do? We are being forced to work extra jobs if we can find them to pay for exhorbitant insurance premiums and to pay for the medical bills that the insurance we are given won't cover.
My theory of the conspiracy comes that we are having to work longer with more stress, and unable to have and afford proper health care....and without that we babybooners will start dying off sooner, or become homeless...which will also kill us and thereby get the social security system to eventually return back to being able to collect social security at age 65. However, this isn't going to happen. My next post will explain why.
Always Wishing You Happiness, Long-Life, and wealth,
See How You Can Help Yourself Save Extra Money or Earn Extra Money and Get Ahead.
The American Way
Just as an addendum, and I have nothing against legal immigration. It is a little known fact that there are many immigrants allowed into this country who are elderly, and within the social security age to collect social security and who have NEVER paid a single penny into the social security fund, who our government turns around and just issues them social security. So don't try and tell the babyboomers that we are the people sucking the fund dry.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
About Money, Old Age, not Necessarily Retirement
My whole point is that you should plan on working a really long time or make some really good investments so that when the time comes to stop working that you can be comfortable financially.
I give the example of an elderly woman I know who had savings, and owned a home and fine jewelry. She also had her social security. Her Total worth without her monthly social security was about $300,000.
She got sick and couldnt live in her house anymore and had to sell it and go live in what is called assisted living. Not a nursinng home....but a place where the housekeeping was done for her. A nice one room place, and three meals a day. She still had insurance to pay for any doctors and medicine she would need.
How long do you think her $300,000 lasted? At the end of two and one half years all her money was used up for having to have paid the rent at the assisted living and for the various incidentals incurred. Now she is totally paid for by government funding because she is wiped out financially.
The point is that this woman had planned for this moment. She had saved her money for her old age and the possibility of having to go into some type of nursing home. She was lucky she was healthy enough to go into assisted living and not so sick that she needed a nursing home or else her $300,000 wouldn't have even lasted as long as two and one half years.
So this is just some friendly advise to plan ahead. Even if retirement isnt in your future for quite some time...just because you may be young doesn't mean you shouldnt start thinking about the future when you are older.
Always Wishing You Happiness, Long-Life and Wealth.
For Baby Boomers and Generation X'ers
The fact that you all have an internet business or some sort of a home business speaks well that you are aware of the problems of working for somebody else and the problems that go along with getting older. And if you aren't exactly close to retirement age now...remember that some day you will be....and the time to start planning for that is now! Not only a few years before you decide you want to retire.
I sincerely hope that all of you are indeed being successful at you desired business.
Please read this in it’s entirety. You’ll be glad you did. Start your business now before it’s to late.
Data from a recent research project conducted by the AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) revealed that eight in ten baby boomers say they plan to work at least part time during retirement...seventeen percent stated they would be starting their own businesses. There are 76 million baby boomers-seventeen percent
of that is 13 million people looking for a business over the next few years.
In a recent Allstate survey which identifies retirement expectations and saving habits of baby boomers and generation Xers, 44 percent of the baby boomers and 54 percent of the gen-Xers responded that they felt they would outlive their savings.
The survey also found that 13 percent of the baby boomers and 29 percent of the gen-Xers are not saving for retirement.
Now is an Excellent time to start your business so that
you can get your fair share of these baby-boomers and gen-Xers into your business, or as your customer or downline when they suddenly find they need to find another source of income and to be of service to them at the same time. Or if starting a business isn’t your thing then PLEASE for your sake and the sake of your family start saving and investing in stocks or some
savings plan. Now! The Rule of thumb is never invest money in any business or Stock that you can’t afford to lose.
Follow a plan or business that is suitable to your needs and financial abilities. I don't care if you choose not to participate in any of my businesses.I'm only offering help and suggestions. If you find something better I'm happy for you.
Sincerely Wishing you Happiness, Long Life and Wealth,
Does Discrimination Exist
Let me say this: I'm 60 years old, have worked for 33 years and belonged to a steel workers union. I did shipping and recieving and also accounts payable work, and am very computer literate. After I retired from that work I worked in retail for 4 years and am currently working as a public safety/security officer at a large mall, where I also am like a customer service person and a representative of the owners of the mall for the past 4 years.
I do not change jobs or jump from job to job every 3-4 months and am a very dependable and stable worker. Every boss/supervisor I ever had always really appreciated me and my work and never hesitated to tell me so.
This past year I have been wanting to get away from the public safety /security work and have been looking to change jobs. I must have sent out at least 75 resumes to date for jobs that I KNOW I was qualified for. I didn't try to apply for anything out of my league or what I felt I couldn't do or didn't have the knowledge for. But I did apply for jobs that would be new to me if the job ad said they were willing to train. To date I haven't recieved one response.
I have reached the conclusion that even though age discrimination is illegal and that companies can not ask your age or marital status on their applications.....they can figure out your age with a pretty good guess by your resume when they want you to list and fill in all the time frames from your previous jobs.
Yes, I think age discrimination exist...that's why I encourage all of you whether you are young or more elderly like myself, that if you are presently working for a company to try and get independent as soon as you can with your own business or investments. I say this because of what I have just stated above.
Also I say it because by the time you get into your 40's or 50's it seems like it is the trend for companies to find ways to eliminate their employees in this age area, and then you will probably find yourself being discriminated against for your age, and also in a terrible mess without any health and hospital insurance, and by the time you get to be in your 40's and 50's you are bound to have pre-existing conditions which many insurance comapanies won't even touch and if they do the premium is going to be unaffordable.
That's all for now.
The American Way
My Path to Entrepreneurship
My Beginnings and Where I am Now and Why
Thirty years ago I fell in love with the idea of being an entrepeneur. This was during the days of snail mail, stuff envelope schemes, mail order catalogs and Amway.
After joining Amway and not liking it, which was my first experience with multilevel marketing, and being burned on stuffing envelope schemes I decided to collect all the junk opportunity snail mail offers for one year in order to compare them and how many were all selling the same thing, and if they were still around a year later.
I also responded to some of the mail offers that sounded interesting and said to call for further information. That was a REALLY BIG MISTAKE. I got a few smooth talking salesmen who after I heard their pitch, I decided the price was to steep, but somehow they still got me to buy into the business plan.They were so slick and smooth they could have talked their grandmother into dying. It was like I just got trapped. And needless to say, I also did not succeed in trying to sell the items I got talked into buying.
I never ended up bankrupt of divorced over these schemes. Life went on and I always kept looking for the right business opportunity.
Then along came the internet.
My Internet Business Experience
During these last ten years I got involved with internet marketing. Just like with the snail mail business opportunities before the advent of of internet marketing, once I started looking at various internet businesses I got swamped with hundreds if not thousands of offers and SPAM also. I read them all.I joined quite a few of them over the years. Never quite finding the right one...losing lots of money along the way.
Some of what I tried were the get rich schemes, and and hyips (hig yield income investments) that ended up being fly by nights. Surfing for money and investing in these surf programs with a promised return for surfing so many websites a day was another loser.I tried several of those.In short I have seen an tried probably everything or a variation there-of of most opportunities around.
Affiliate programs although usually free are ok, but they usually involve some sort of upgrade for an additional fee if you want something more professional.The same can be said about free safe list.You can also get a free auto responder or upgrade again to have it be more functional and useful, and you can also buy leads from many sources called double-opt in leads, persons who want to receive your advertisement emails. Then you can ad the expense of advertising in order to get people to find your business site. Forget the free ads..that usually only just gets you a lot of spam. If you pay for advertising you have no guarantee of results or of selling anything. So if you spend for example $200 on an ad and got zero results, the money is just gone and lost, and it's back to the drawing board for a new ad and another toss of the dice and your money with the hope of better results. Now I realize that there are a certain amount of gambles and risk for investment in any business. I'm just trying to point out some of these areas to any new business owner wanting to start out.
After putting many businesses and thousands of dollars lost again behind me I tried my hand at penny stock investment. I didn't do to badly there. At least once I placed the money out there into an investment, it wasn't totally gone. If I saw I was starting to lose too much money I could stop my investment, selling it at a loss, an still be able to retain some of it instead of like in the case of a total loss for money spent on an ad that got me zero results which was gone forever.
So Penny Stocks are OK as long as it isn't a bear market or a bad economy. Any way, I still missed having a regular internet business and have finally found one that is just wonderful. It is straight forward, honest, and has proven itself to endure. It has been around for the last ten years and is an original. There are many wannabe and copycat businesses trying to do what this one has already accomplished.
If you're looking for a business that has the finest support and training available,that will help you build your new business while you are learning it, has been around and proven itself and it's staying power for the past ten years, is very affordable and low start up cost....with all the guidance and advice you could ever wish for, then please take a look at this business.This business satisfies the law of supply and demand for everybody, and isn't just limited to any specific group of people.
Even if you don't want this for a business sign up as a FREE member and SAVE yourself and your family a lot of money.
Or Visit me at:
The American Way